본문 시작
2017 GLOBAL KOREA SCHOLARSHIP _ Semyung University Applicatio Guidelines for Undergraduate Degrees
- 전체관리자
- 조회 : 7414
- 등록일 : 2016-09-04
Korean Government Scholarship Program
Application Guidelines for
Undergraduate Degrees
(via Semyung University for Natural Science & Engineering Majors)
1. Maximum number of applicants recommended by SMU: 3 /
Total Number of Scholars to Be Selected: 25 [from 63 countries and 34 universities]
※ Only those who hold citizenship of the countries below are eligible to apply.
Afghanistan |
Congo(DRC) |
Iran |
Mozambique |
Rwanda |
Turkey |
Angola |
Dominican Republic |
Iraq |
Myanmar |
Senegal |
Turkmenistan |
Azerbaijan |
Ecuador |
Japan |
Nepal |
Singapore |
Uganda |
Bangladesh |
Egypt |
Jordan |
Nigeria |
Sri Lanka |
Ukraine |
Bolivia |
El Salvador |
Kazakhstan |
Pakistan |
Sudan |
Uruguay |
Brazil |
Ethiopia |
Kenya |
Panama |
Sweden |
Uzbekistan |
Bulgaria |
Gabon |
Kyrgyzstan |
Paraguay |
Tajikistan |
Venezuela |
Bhutan |
Ghana |
Laos |
Peru |
Tanzania |
Vietnam |
Cambodia |
Guatemala |
Malaysia |
Philippines |
Thailand |
Chile |
India |
Mexico |
Poland |
Timor-Este |
Colombia |
Indonesia |
Mongolia |
Russia |
Trinidad and Tobago |
2. Academic Programs: Bachelor’s Degree Program (4 years) after preliminary Korean Language Program (1 year)
3. Semyung Univeristy is one of universities available to apply through GKS
4. Qualifications
(1) CITIZENSHIP: An applicant and his or her parents must be citizens of the country where this scholarship is offered.
(2) AGE: An applicant must be under 25 years of age as of March 1, 2017 (Should be born after March, 1, 1992).
(3) HEALTH: An applicant must be in good health, both physically and mentally.
(4) LEVEL OF EDUCATION: An applicant must have graduated or be expected to graduate from a high school as of March 1, 2017
(5) GRADES: An applicant must either have the cumulative grade point average (C.G.P.A.) of 80% (out of 100%), or be ranked within the top 20% throughout the entire high school period.
5. Scholarship Benefits
(1) Scholarship Period: March 1, 2017 ~ February 28, 2022 (1-year Language + 4-year Degree Program)
- 담당부서 : 컴퓨터학부
- 담당자 : 인치호
- 연락처 : 043-649-1272
- 최종수정일 : 2024-10-26