본문 시작
우현준 (Woo, Hyun-Jun) 교수
- 소속 보건바이오대학 임상병리학과
- 연구실 이학관 2층 209호
- 전화번호 043-649-1626
- 이메일 taesube@semyung.ac.kr
- 담당과목 조직학, 진단세포학 및 실험, 해부학, 면역혈청학 및 실험, 임상병리학I,II
2012. 2. 연세대학교 임상병리학과 (임상병리학사)2018. 2. 연세대학교 임상병리학과 석박사통합과정 (이학박사)
2018. 3. 연세대학교 임상미생물학연구실,
한국생명공학연구원 실험동물자원센터 박사후연구원
2018. 9. 대구한의대학교 임상병리학과 조교수
2020. 3. ~ 현재. 세명대학교 임상병리학과 조교수
Prevalence of Multi-drug Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii Producing OXA-23-like from a University Hospital in Gangwon Province, Korea / 2012.03 / Biomedical Science Letters / 학진등재Comparison of Virulence Factors, Phylogenetic Groups and Ciprofloxacin Susceptibility of Escherichia coli Isolated from Healthy Students and Patients with Urinary Tract Infections in Korea / 2012.06 / Biomedical Science Letters / 학진등재
Inhibitory Effects of Anthocyanins on Secretion of Helicobacter pylori CagA and VacA Toxins / 2012.12 / International Journal of Medical Sciences / SCI(E) IF 2.399
Comparison of Molecular Characteristics of Extended Spectrum β-lactamase Producing Escherichia coli Strains Isolated from Patients with Urinary Tract Infections between 2 Time Periods of 1989 and 2010 at Gangwon Province in Korea / 2013.09 / Biomedical Science Letters / 학진등재
Cyanidin 3-O-Glucoside Reduces Helicobacter pylori VacA-Induced Cell Death of Gastric KATO III Cells through Inhibition of the SecA Pathway / 2014.05 / International Journal of Medical Sciences / SCI(E) IF 2.399
Inhibitory effect of piperine on Helicobacter pylori growth and adhesion to gastric adenocarcinoma cells / 2014.12 / Infectious Agents and Cancer / SCI(E) IF 1.422
Development of EBV-encoded small RNA targeted PCR to classify EBV positive diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) of the elderly / 2015.07 / International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology / SCI(E) IF 1.706
Detection of EBV-encoded Small RNA from Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma Patients by RT-PCR Method / 2015.10 / Biomedical Science Letters / 학진등재
The first report of NDM-5-producing uropathogenic Escherichia coli isolates in South Korea / 2016.02 / Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease / SCI(E) IF 2.803
Menadione induces apoptosis in a gastric cancer cell line mediated by down-regulation of X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis / 2016.02 / International Journal of Clinical Experimental Medicine / SCI(E) IF 1.069
Piperine treatment suppresses Helicobacter pylori toxin entry in to gastric epithelium and minimizes β-catenin mediated oncogenesis and IL-8 secretion in vitro / 2016.02 / American Journal of Translational Research / SCI(E) IF 4.06
Plumbagin Inhibits Expression of Virulence Factors and Growth of Helicobacter pylori / 2016.04 / Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters / SCOPUS
Development and Assessment of New RT-qPCR Assay for Detection of HIV-1 Subtypes / 2016.07 / Biomedical Science Letters / 학진등재
Menadione induces G2/M arrest in gastric cancer cells by down-regulation of CDC25C and proteasome mediated degradation of CDK1 and cyclin B1 / 2016.12 / American Journal of Translational Research / SCI(E) IF 4.06
Kinetin inhibits growth of Helicobacter pylori by down-regulation of replication genes / 2017.01 / International Journal of Clinical Experimental Medicine / SCI(E) IF 1.069
Evaluation of Urease Inhibition Activity of Zerumbone in vitro / 2017.09 / Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters / SCOPUS
Regulatory Effects of Black Rice Extract on Helicobacter pylori Infection-Induced Apoptosis / 2018.02 / Molecular Nutrition & Food Research / SCI(E) IF 5.914
Anti-inflammatory effects of Kaempferol on Helicobacter pylori-induced inflammation / 2018.10 / Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry / SCI(E) IF 2.043
Antimicrobial effects of black rice extract on Helicobacter pylori infection in Mongolian gerbil / 2019.01 / Journal of Cereal Science / SCI(E) IF 3.616
Inhibitory effect of plumbagin on Helicobacter pylori growth and urease activity / 2019.01 / International Journal of Clinical Experimental Medicine / SCI(E) IF 1.069
Inhibitory Effects of Menadione on Helicobacter pylori Growth and Helicobacter pylori-Induced Inflammation via NF-κB Inhibition / 2019.03 / International Journal of Molecular Sciences / SCI(E) IF 5.923
Menadione Induced Apoptosis in MKN45 Cells via Down-regulation of Survivin / 2019.03 / Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters / SCOPUS
Inhibitory Effects of beta-Caryophyllene on Helicobacter pylori Infection In Vitro and In Vivo / 2020.02 / International Journal of Molecular Sciences / SCI(E) IF 5.923
Riboflavin Inhibits Growth of Helicobacter pylori by Down-regulation of polA and dnaB Genes / 2020.12 / Biomedical Science Letters / 학진등재
Zerumbone Inhibits Helicobacter pylori Urease Activity / 2021.05 / Molecules / SCI(E) IF 5.923
Comparative Transcriptome Analysis of Caryophyllene-Treated Helicobacter pylori / 2021.09 / Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters / SCOPUS
Hesperetin inhibits expression of virulence factors and growth of Helicobacter pylori / 2021.09 / International Journal of Molecular Sciences / SCI(E) IF 5.923
- 담당부서 : 임상병리학과
- 담당자 : 최주원, 이태우
- 연락처 : 043-649-1537
- 최종수정일 : 2024-10-26