본문 시작
서예지 (Seo, Yeji) 교수
- 소속 보건바이오대학 간호학과
- 연구실 이학관 4층 405호
- 전화번호 043-649-1357
- 이메일 yejihj23@semyung.ac.kr
- 담당과목 간호관리학, 간호관리학실습, 시뮬레이션실습
중앙대학교 간호학 박사중앙대학교 간호학 학사
암생존자, 청소년, 간호사, 환자안전, 건강증진논문
Trends of nursing research on accidental falls: A topic modeling analysis.(2021). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(8), 3963.Educational needs and readiness for disaster response: a cross-sectional study of clinical nurses.(2021). Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(1), 189-197.
Associations between weight perception, unhealthy weight control behavior, and suicidal behaviors among adolescents: A national cross-sectional secondary analysis.(2021). Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 56, e62-e69.
Oncology nurses' knowledge and awareness on metabolic syndrome in cancer survivors and the perceived barriers to the provision of related care: A mixed method study.(2020). European Journal of Cancer Care, 29(2), e13227.
Victimization as a Mediator in the Relationship between Sexual Orientation and Adolescent Alcohol Use.(2020). Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 34(1), 27-34.
Cross-sectional study on patient safety culture, patient safety competence, and adverse events.(2020). Western Journal of Nursing Research, 42(1), 32-40.
Association between victimization, internet overuse, and suicidal behaviors among adolescents.(2019). Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 48, e42-48.
Assessment of the awareness and knowledge of cancer survivors regarding the components of metabolic syndrome.(2018). PLoS One, 13(6), e0199142.
The Effect of Work Addiction on Korean Nurses' Professional Quality of Life: A Cross-sectional Study.(2018). Journal of Addictions Nursing, 29(2), 119-127.
Association between caffeinated energy drink consumption pattern and suicidal ideation, planned suicide, attempted suicide, and medically serious attempted suicide in Korean adolescents.(2018). Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 32(3), 331-336.
한국간호과학회 Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 논문심사위원다문화건강학회 총무이사 [2025-2026년]
다문화건강학회 충청지역이사 [2023-2024년]
다문화건강학회 논문심사위원
한국의료질향상학회 정회원
대한환자안전학회 정회원
대한민국간호한림원 재정위원회 간사 [2018-2020/2020-2022년]
한국시그마학회 간사 [2018-2020년]
한국기본간호학회 대외협력간사 [2018-2020년]
한국시그마학회 평생회원
한국간호행정학회 정회원
한국기본간호학회 정회원
한국간호과학회 정회원
- 담당부서 : 간호학과
- 담당자 : 문미영
- 연락처 : 043-649-1356
- 최종수정일 : 2024-10-26